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So! Personal theory. Male-type persons are conditioned to despair, to only hope that things get better for others and only if they sacrifice themselves completely, so that they allow themselves to be disposed of via war. Living bombs. Female-type persons are conditioned to endure, to feel that things will never get better but can certainly get worse, so they allow themselves to be disposed of as the invisible cogs holding society together, no matter how badly that society deserves to burn to the ground and get replaced. Living glue. I *really* don't think it's biological, except that it's easier to replace sperm than eggs in the reproductive cycle.

So you're not necessarily seeing the glue, even though you perform glue-y functions. You do them and take it for granted, not thinking, "This is important to more than just my friends and family." Where women are muttering, "If I don't bake these fucking cookies for my kid's school bake sale the world will fucking fall apart."

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