The Ramen Express
We're making an offer on a 2-story brick Victorian today. Built in 1892 and lovingly restored. So, the weekly menu for the (hopefully) short time we carry two mortgages: ramen with diced chicken and broccoli; ramen with shredded roast beef and green beans; ramen with scrambled eggs and peas (this last one is so popular with the girls they've actually named it: Daddy Soup).
Yes, I'm quite the ramen noodle savant.

See that window at the very top of the house? It faces out of a classic unfinished attic, with sloping walls, exposed insulation, the whole bit. My writer's room. I'll put in a floor, then walls, as I finish the New Novel. Fitting, eh? Building a room as I'm building a book.
Mets play their first game in their brand new ballpark tonight. It's named after a bank that took taxpayer money to stay afloat and promptly paid 400 million to buy naming rights to the stadium. Greedy Bastards that Took All Our Money and Flushed It Down A Fucking Hole Stadium, I like to call it.
I have vowed never to refer to it by it's corporate name. And I never will.
But good luck to those Metros tonight.