Merry Christmas After All, And After All A Good Night!
Sporadically, I give the Huxster "memory cookies" for Christmas and/or her birthday. It's an idea I stole from Joan Didion; friends told her they always forgot all the cute things their kids said and did when they were young, so her husband wrote them down on scraps of paper so they wouldn't forget them. So that's what I do (sort of, it's a word document I keep on our network so I can access it from anywhere in the house whenever the notion strikes). Then, come gift time, I write then on slips of construction paper and put them in a pretty bag or box or, in one case, a vintage metal Beatles lunch box.
We're up to 150-ish of them. Here's some picks from the latest batch:
Our eldest calling pre-kindergarten "prettygarden"
Miss Muffett eating her turds and whey
The New Hamster primary
In kindergarten we have hookers for our coats
Can Santa even see us when we’re naked?
Our youngest putting fake fingernails on her toenails
Calling their tongues "lickers"
Our eldest asking if her pimple was a new nipple
Our youngest riding down the street on her tricycle, yelling "Merry Christmas After All, And After All A Good Night!"