Delivering Us Into Evil
Not much time for posts this week. A graduation from pre-school, a graduation from kindergarten, a trip to the zoo, a web design workshop to teach, and a stomach flu thing that made me feel like my stomach was being raked and prodded by the hellish, rusty prongs of a twisted metal spork (I overstate in order to work the word "prong" into the mix, the Word o' the Week c/o Mona and Irr). Now I mostly am over the stomach thing, but little S has it. Sigh.
Pedro's back! He pitched 6 uninspired but gutsy innings on Tuesday, and led the Metros to a 9-6 win. He got a standing ovation in the other team's stadium when he walked off the mound. Unfortunately, at the same time Barak Obama was giving a riveting acceptance speech, (and Hillary was giving the most ungracious un-concession speech in recent memory*), so I didn't watch much of Pedro. Hope he's not mad.

I'm leaving you with a clip from 25th Hour. I'm hit and miss with Spike Lee, but when he's on his game (Do the Right Thing, 25th Hour, Inside Man, When the Levees Broke) he's untouchable. This is one of my favorite monologues of all time. The set-up is simple: it's the last night in a guy's life before he goes to jail for dealing drugs. He's a tad angry about how things turned out. Watch the whole thing if you can; it starts out raw and hate-filled but ends up as a very moving homage to NYC. Be forewarned, Ed Norton says "f*ck" in this like a million times.
*Nixon remains number 1 with his "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore" speech. But that's not exactly recent memory, is it?