Today’s well constructed metaphor has been postponed due to a preponderance of news involving cats and baseball, two of my favorite things.
First item: a cat ran onto the field on Opening Day at Coors Field. He ran into the outfield and lay down on the grass next to the visiting Dodgers outfielder.
Second item: during the Mets broadcast, Keith Hernandez (of Mets and Seinfield fame) interrupted the broadcast to announce he was worried about his cat, Hadji. A cat emergency ensued. Several subsequent articles dealt with Keith Hernandez’s 18-year-old Bengal kitty and all his toys (carriage, outdoor playhouse, cat trees, catwalks, yadayadayada).
Third item: one the heels of that first item is the revelation that a herd of feral cats lives in the bowels of Coors Field. No one has done an official count, but the anecdotal evidence, mostly shot on cell phones, shows them in tunnels, at the ticket gate, in the dugouts, and on the field.
Fourth item: okay, this one is 50 years ago, but it’s the best cat/baseball story of all time. On September 9th, 1969, during a Mets-Cubs game at Shea Stadium, a black cat walked onto the field, circled Ron Santo warming up on deck, walked in front of the Cubs dugout, and disappeared. The Cubs lost the game. They also lost first place, going into a historic swoon that gave the Mets first place, and ultimately their first World Series win.
The Mets home opener is currently on my TV. No score, middle of the third inning. Let’s go Mets. Keep an eye out for stray cats.
Time for commerce.
My latest story: Fuck, Marry, Kill
February’s story: Veronica Scissors
My first novel, Life Under Water
My website: jeffmwood.com.
My Amazon page.
My erotic flash fiction series, Serious Moonlight (as J G Cain)